Tips for living with diabetic macular edema
Macular edema is a condition that involves swelling in the eye that may cause blurry vision. In certain cases, the side effects of diabetes can cause macular edema.
Researchers develop potential glaucoma treatment strategy to guide stem cells to the retina
Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide, and vision loss, due to the loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), cannot currently be reversed with any treatment. Some studies have looked at replacing RGCs through cell transplants, but this process is still in the research and development stage and fraught with limitations that highlight a need for a more precise manner of effectively repopulating these cells in the retina.
Peripheral vision loss: What is it and what causes it?
A person with peripheral vision loss has difficulty seeing things above, below, or at the side without turning their head. This type of vision loss is also known as tunnel vision. Tunnel vision can significantly impact a person’s daily function.
Algorithm aids in early detection of age-related eye disease
Duke University researchers created a computer program that determines, with 94% accuracy, if a person's age-related macular degeneration (AMD) will worsen within a year.
What is follicular conjunctivitis?
Follicular conjunctivitis is an eye infection. People also call it pinkeye. It is usually mild and self-limiting, meaning it tends to go away on its own.
New procedure restores eyesight, sensation for patients with rare eye condition
For the first time at UNC Hospitals, a surgical team has successfully performed corneal neurotization—the only disease modifying surgical treatment for neurotrophic keratitis (NK), a rare eye condition that causes loss of sensation to the cornea and can lead to permanent vision loss, if left untreated.
Staring at screens can cause eye strain. Here's tips to prevent that
An ophthalmologist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston offers some tips for easing both eye strain and headaches.
Adverse association identified for calcium channel blocker use, glaucoma
There is an adverse association between calcium channel blocker (CCB) use and glaucoma, according to a study published online Sept. 7 in JAMA Ophthalmology.
What to know about independent living with low vision
Low vision affects many people as they get older. However, a person can take steps to reduce the lifestyle effects of low vision. They can even make small changes to live independently.
New imaging technique measures elasticity of multiple eye components simultaneously
The eye is a highly complex organ, composed of intricate structures combining several types of specialized tissues. Under normal conditions, these structures work seamlessly together to provide clear images of the world around us as well as maintain intraocular pressure.